Dinos - Indiv. pages

Triceratops dino skeleton

Triceratops  prorsus

Name means “Three-horned face”

Found by Mike Triebold in 1994

Excavated in Harding County, SD

Estimated weight of 4 tons

21 feet long

8 feet tall


Triceratops is one of the most recognizable dinosaurs. This fossilized skeleton, field name “Gundy”, was more than 80% complete with an excellent skull, an uncommon occurence. Her skull is 5 1/2 feet long and 4 feet wide and was almost 95% complete in its fossil form. The original fossil now resides in a Japanese museum.

These animals were herbivores, even though their appearance seems to look ferocious. The two horns above the eye sockets could grow to over 4 feet long. The signature neck frill has been known to span 7 feet. It is believed they used both their impressive horns and extensive frill as a defense against predators. This animal’s pelvic system is considered bird-hipped, but locomotion is quadrupedal.

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