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Matt Miles • April 20, 2022

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.Ephesians 6:11

     Spiritual warfare wages all around us for our souls. We see clear evidence of the battle in obvious ways: violent crimes, pornography, tyrannical dictatorships, terrorism, and abortion, to name a few. Yet if we pay attention and look closer, just under the obvious is the subtle: evolutionary belief, devaluing of marriage, identity confusion, and wokeism. As subtle as many attacks may be, they are most dangerous because they are slowly “snuck” into our daily lives on fronts that we are not expecting and may not be fortified against, or on fronts where we have been lulled into complacency with reasonable sounding arguments that are not Biblical.

     One such example might be the subtle attack on our children’s education. Over the last 20+ years there has been a subtle erosion of parents’ rights - God ordained rights. A parental awakening might be on the horizon as the subtle becomes less so before our very eyes. For example, in the state of Massachusetts private schools must have public school board approval to exist. I don’t know the history of that requirement, yet I assume it was established with good intentions, as most liberty-stripping requirements are. Late last year, a church in that state, Vida Real Church, had desired to open a new Christian school. Their desire, as with most Christian schools, was to help parents educate their children in a Biblical manner and worldview. The Somerville Public School Committee, who was over them, denied their application on the grounds it “does not meet the criteria” for approval. Evidently the school’s Biblical beliefs on sexuality and evolution were a couple of points that failed to meet their criteria. One committee member even allegedly stated on denying the application because of these beliefs was the “morally right thing to do.” So, a church made up of like-minded parents whose desire is to educate their children in a godly manner were denied that right by the state. The last I checked, there is still a standing and often proclaimed separation of church and state, especially when it comes to education. But once again that separation has been taken to mean the church can’t influence the state and not the other way around. We must wake up and take a closer look at what and who is educating our children.

     The spiritual battle that has been waging unseen for many years should concern us. We must open our eyes and ears to all that is going on around us in this “Christian nation”. The proverbial frog that is being boiled is us, God-fearing Bible believers. We must seek the Lord for open eyes to every battle that has eternal consequences, so we may SEE THE UNSEEN. Thankfully, to God be the glory, many states are beginning to wake up over these various subtle attacks and are countering them. It is up to us Truth Believers, through the power and wisdom of Jesus Christ, to continue to expose the sneak attacks of the Enemy as we protect our families and His Church. Blessings.

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