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Questions on the Road: “Could God Have Used Evolution?”

Ryan Cox • September 7, 2018

Short Answer: NO!

Long Answer: Yes, if…

1. …He deceived us in Genesis 1.
If God used billions of years of stellar, chemical, and biological evolution, then He purposefully deceived us in Genesis 1 by using Hebrew historical narrative instead of poetic language when describing the 6 days of creation.

This also means he lied by saying He created every living thing according to its “kind”. The deliberate use of the word “kind” (Hebrew word min ) prohibits the inclusion of transmuting species in the creative act. Each biological kind must reproduce within its kind. Not surprisingly, the evolution from one kind to a different kind has never been observed in either living organisms or fossils.

Additionally, if He did use evolutionary processes as taught today, the order of creation is drastically different than naturalistic models. Why would God say He did it in a particular order when He actually did it in another? How then can we trust anything He says?

2. …He lied to Moses in Exodus 20.
In Exodus 20:8-11, God commanded that the Israelites observe a 7-day week, resting on the 7th day. Why a 7-day week? Because the very first week of history was 7 days. He created the universe in 6 literal days (Ex. 20:11) and then ceased creating (rested) on the 7th day. If God used an evolutionary scheme, then He lied to Moses and the Israelites, and we have no basis for a 7-day week.

3. …He broke His covenant in Jeremiah 33.
In Jeremiah 33, God provides another Messianic prophecy. The assuredness of Christ was of such a degree that God equates it with His day/night covenant established on the first day of history in Genesis 1:3-5. Thus God says in Jeremiah 33:20-21 that if we can break His covenant with the Genesis 1 established day so that it is not a regular day/night cycle, then Jesus is not the Messiah and reigning descendant of David. Therefore, if the days of Genesis 1 are not actual covenantally-governed 24-hour days (as required by an evolutionary model), then Jesus is not our King.

4. …Jesus lied or was misinformed in Matthew 19 / Mark 10.
When Jesus was asked a legal question about marriage, He responded by referencing and quoting Genesis 1 & 2. He clearly states that men and women were made by God at the beginning of history. This means Jesus believed the Genesis account of creation. If an evolutionary model is true, then homo sapiens have been around the last 350,000 years of the 13.8 billion years of cosmic history. If so, mankind has been around for the last 0.003% of history, not since the beginning as Jesus said. Therefore, an evolutionary model would make Jesus either a liar or a believer in fables and myths, either of which makes Him a lunatic for claiming to be the Creator God.

5. …Paul lied or was misinformed in Romans and 1 Corinthians.
Paul wrote in Romans 6:23 that “ the wages of sin is death”. He wrote in Romans 5:12 that “ through one man (Adam, v. 14) sin entered into the world, and death through sin ”. He repeats this in 1 Corinthians 15:21-22. If an evolutionary model is true, then there were millions of years of death, disease, and destruction long before sin. How then could such a world be cursed (Gen. 3) with pain, suffering, and death when mankind sinned? Why then would Jesus need to die a physical death and physically rise from the dead for the purpose of salvation? Why would God create such a world and call it “ good ” (Genesis 1)?
In any event, if an evolutionary model is true, then Paul’s words are in great error, meaning they cannot be the inspired Word given to us by the Creator God.

What is crystal clear from Scripture is the fact that both the Bible and an evolutionary model cannot be true. Either the testimony of the Lord given directly from Him to us in the Bible is true, or the musings of men, amongst which there is no 100% agreement, is true.

Therefore, “ choose you this day whom you will serve… as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD ” (Joshua 24:15).

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