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My Bible

Matt Miles • December 5, 2023

   The written Word of God is absolute and authoritative on all subjects it touches. It is God-breathed for life by His inspiration and different from any other book. My Bible is the most prized and important book I own. I am an old-school written Word carrier. There’s something about reading from and teaching out of a paged, written text that impacts me more. The text may be the same on a device, but it feels different on a physical page.

   Over the years I have exhausted many Bibles while preaching and teaching. I may only be able to use a Bible for about 6 years before they deteriorate beyond usefulness. Either the binding goes away or the cover dissolves from being held, folded, rolled, packed, and unpacked. This use is vital to my walk and ministry with the Lord. Using the same written text for years helps me familiarize myself where passages are located, if I can’t remember chapter and verse. It becomes the place where I note important details and underline impactful verses the Lord teaches me. My Bible has become part of me; weathered, worn, used, a little soiled, comfortable, trusted, inspiring, and dependable.

   My present Bible, as many of you know, has been on it’s last leg for a year or two. I have had suggestions from many to rebind it or just replace it. Over the last few years I have searched for a replacement of same size and type set, but to no avail. My particular Bible went out of print several years back. So, I keep on using my trusted “friend”. I can hardly think about parting with it for the time it would take to rebind it. It totally scares me to send it away out of my presence and trust another to take care of it. The Lord would have to put my spirit at ease.

   Enter into the picture a good friend from Missouri. A few months ago, while preaching at his church, we went out to dinner. Afterwards, his daughter had asked we stop by the restaurant she works to say hello. As Providence would have it, there is a vinyl record and used book store off the restaurant. Neither my wife nor friend would ever pass up the opportunity of used books. As usual, my friend found several books to buy. One looked strangely familiar in it’s original box - a Bible. I asked to see it. To my surprise it was the same one I have been looking for all these years. I immediately felt like I needed this Bible and was willing to pay whatever to my friend who had found it. Then he simply said it was mine, a gift. I believe my wife had shared the state of my own Bible and the search to replace it. What a glorious gift!

   Now begins the arduous task of transferring all my notes and inspirations. That seems far easier than parting with my old “friend”. Who knows, I may be able to get my old Bible rebound after all since the Lord has provided a replacement. The Word of the Lord is always to be treasured above all else. I pray your Bible is as important, impactful, and used as mine has been to me. Take a moment and thank the Lord for His Word in your life!

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