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Another Evolutionary "Revision"

Ryan Cox • December 5, 2023

Another Evolutionary "Revision"

As has often been reported throughout this ministry’s history, evolutionists regularly have to revise their mythology because of new discoveries or scientific breakthroughs. Conversely, no new discovery or scientific breakthrough has ever required a revision but rather confirmation of God’s flawless record – the Bible. Case in point, the evolutionary tale of mammals has just received another revision.

The standard mythos states that “…the end of the Cretaceous brought the eradication of dinosaurs on land and of large swimming reptiles in marine environments.”¹ Indeed, as a matter of faith, most evolutionists believe only those creatures went extinct from their apocalypse 66 million years ago while all other creatures survived [Figure 1].² As the University of California, Berkley admits, “There has been no settlement to the issue so far, and no clear one is foreseeable… The main problem… is the issue of the selectivity of the mass extinction… some organisms were wiped out, while others were unaffected.”³ Their asteroid sure was a picky one, killing only dinosaurs and large marine reptiles.

However, this allows in their story for the rise of mammals. As Encyclopedia Britannica explains:

"The Cenozoic witnessed a rapid diversification of life-forms in the ecological niches left vacant by this great terminal Cretaceous extinction (or K–T extinction). In particular, mammals, which had existed for more than 100 million years before the advent of the Cenozoic Era, experienced substantial evolutionary radiation."

Until then, mammals had remained quite small and limited in their evolutionary development for over 100 million years.⁵ But once those pesky dinosaurs were gone, mammals exploded in size, covering the planet!

But wouldn’t you know it, a new discovery published by Scientific Reports in July messed up that whole story. As the authors stated, “Mesozoic mammals are commonly depicted as having lived in the shadows of their larger dinosaurian contemporaries… It was not until after the end-Cretaceous extinction of the non-avian⁶ dinosaurs that mammals grew to large body sizes and regularly preyed on the available avifauna.”⁷ Unfortunately for the evolutionary faithful, this too must now be revised:

“Here we report a new fossil find… showing a gobiconodontid mammal and psittacosaurid dinosaur locked in mortal combat [Figure 2] …this new fossil convincingly demonstrates that mammals could pose a threat even to near fully-grown dinosaurs.”¹⁰

The fact is the fossil record never needs a revision for the evolutionary story because the fossil record is a refutation of the evolutionary story. Discovery after discovery forces another modification or alteration by the evolution apologists, yet the historical record laid out in God’s Word, including the global flood and resulting fossil record, remains perfect, never needing any revisions. True science ALWAYS confirms “Thy Word is truth” (John 17:17).

  1. Berggren, William A. “Cenozoic Era”, Encyclopedia Britannica. 20 October 2023. <>.
  2. Alpha, Tau R., et al. “Chicxulub impact event”. U.S. Geological Survey: Menlo Park, CA. 7 July 1997, p. 7. <>.
  3. Smith, Dave. “What Killed The Dinosaurs?”. DinoBuzz. updated: 28 September 2005. <>.
  4. Berggren, William A. “Cenozoic Era”, Encyclopedia Britannica. 20 October 2023. <>.
  5. Cummings, Mike. “Fossils reveal mammals mingled in Age of Dinosaurs”, YaleNews. 2 November 2020. <>.
  6. The latest teaching declares certain dinosaurs turned warm-blooded, grew feathers, survived the asteroid, and then turned into birds. To read how sad this attempt is to find just one of their “missing links”, consult our article series “Believing in Feather Tales”: <>.
  7. Han, G., et al. “An extraordinary fossil captures the struggle for existence during the Mesozoic". Scientific Reports 13, 11221. 18 July 2023. <>.
  8. Badger-like mammal the size of a large dog.
  9. Similar to a Triceratops, but with no horns.
  10. Ibid.
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