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Light Without Excuse

Matt Miles • March 19, 2018

Last month we had examined the verse from Romans 1:20 which states two invisible qualities of our Lord are clearly seen from things created at the beginning. I wrote of our existence having been created and modeled after our Creator’s divine nature. This month let’s examine the other quality, eternal power,   shown to us so, as the Apostle Paul states, “men are without excuse.”

On day one of history, following the creation of our existence of space, mass and time, the Lord created “light.” When we were young, many of us pictured the greatest light we know, the Sun, as this created light of day 1. Yet close examination of the text reveals that assumption to be incorrect. The Sun was not created until day 4 as the “greater light.” So, if this light is not the Sun, then we must look to the Word of God for clues of interpretation.

This light is the first light, or power, shown in creation. It is a dividing entity with distinction from darkness. Within creation, our understanding of energy, power or light is just such an entity. Light is a powerful element which impacts our daily lives, many times without recognition. Our understanding of light is shown in the electromagnetic spectrum by it’s many measurable wavelengths. On one end of the spectrum are the longer light waves, waves used daily as we listen to our favorite radio station. Next come those light waves that help us communicate on our cell phones and cook our food – microwaves. A tad shorter light wave is used to operate our remote devices, no longer with the aid of our children’s legs. Since all of our televisions have remote controls utilizing light waves created on day 1, there is no need to have our kids run across the room and manually turn a dial. Can I get an “Amen”?! Then there is a portion of the light spectrum that our eyes utilize every waking moment – visual light. These light waves range in length from longer red to shorter violet and include every other wavelength in between, making all the visual colors we see. The light waves just shorter than our vision’s ability to see, known as UV light, impact our daily lives as well in the effect we feel in heat and the burning of our skin by the sun. Shorter still, other light waves created on day 1 have been discovered and mastered in MRI examination machines. These light waves are short enough to pass through certain matter and return an image that we use to diagnose cancer and other ailments. The shortest light waves created (that we understand now) give us power and, quite possibly, deter another world war – gamma light waves. When we hear “gamma waves”, we often think first of the Hulk, yet in reality we utilize them daily in our power grid and nuclear powered military (submarines, carriers, warheads, etc.).

The Lord created “light” on day 1, and I see Romans 1 connecting His eternal power to this element. Throughout scripture the Lord is described as light or in connection with light. Satan, in contradistinction, “disguises” himself as an “angel of light”, attempting to be what he IS NOT. It becomes clearly seen that day 1 light is a manifestation of the Lord’s eternal power and Glory. When He spoke light into existence, He made a distinction between light and dark that only He controls and governs. In eternity we will see this power and Glory in perfection again as John records in Revelation 22:5, “ …They need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light… ”. I believe Day 1 light was very much His eternal power touching every aspect of existence and providing a building block for many things still to be created in the following days of that first week. The Lord’s light is eternal and right, with a promise to place that power within each believer. We are not of the dark, but of the light.

We here at CTF praise the Lord for His mighty eternal power that we can clearly see from things He made at the beginning. As we travel proclaiming these truths, it is forever exhilarating to see God’s Word come alive in new ways to a believer for the first time in their life. A pastor recently expressed to me the impact the truth I’ve shared in this article has had on his life. He has been in ministry many years and had never made those connections concerning light. This ministry is filling a vital role in sharing the Lord’s Word in a culture that deeply needs His Light. Thank you for your faithful support each and every month.

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