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Genesis 1:1 is Mandatory to the Rest of the Bible

G. Thomas Sharp • March 22, 2018

In the creation/evolution debate, we must be aware that neither side can demonstrate their position in a pure scientific manner, and because this is the true nature of the dispute, the only evidence that either side can offer is circumstantial. I have said this in other articles but because of the misunderstanding of many on both sides of this debate, I feel it must be repeated.

It would be wonderful if either disputant (creationist or evolutionist) could take us into a laboratory and demonstrate their point of view before our eyes. However, this is beyond the purview of scientific processes. The reason both sides of this ideological war strongly embrace their belief system is because every other aspect of the faith depends on the accuracy of their view of origins (this idea needs further expansion).

In the first place, for the Bible believer Genesis 1:1, i.e., (“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”) is mandatory to the rest of the Bible. Without this passage, the Bible has no foundation, the Gospel has no chance, eternity in Heaven is just a cruel joke. The Psalmist told us a long time ago that if the foundations are destroyed the righteous are in an unspeakable dilemma.

Why is this true? Because the authority and power to create the universe, with everything in it, requires all power in Heaven and earth—an idea that baffles science to this very day. The ability to call those things which are not as though they are (Romans 4:17), and the wisdom to frame the worlds by the force of your word, so that all things, from the microscopic to the macroscopic, are instantly produced on the earth, above the earth and under the earth, is far beyond anything understood by the scientific community past, present or future (Hebrews 11:3).

A second fact that requires this to be true, and one that is immeasurably more important that anything in the physical universe, is the miraculous nature of the redemption of the human soul. Biblically speaking, Jesus had to be the Creator for Him to legitimately be the Savior! The only one in time or eternity that could effectuate the reconciliation of man to God was God Himself! It required the shedding of blood, and any old blood would never do! Not the blood of bulls and goats, not my blood or yours—it had to be special blood to satisfy the divine requisite of a holy God…blood that speaks better things that the blood of Abel. (Hebrews 12:24)

What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

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