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Intelligence of Man

G. Thomas Sharp • April 25, 2018

It plainly teaches in Genesis that man was made in the image of God, and that he was to have governing dominion over all the animals and the land of the earth. This would have, of course, demanded that must have been created with incredible intelligence. And this high-level intelligence must have left observable remnants in the world.

Moreover, if man rebelliously congregated in Babel sometime after the Genesis Flood (somewhat less than 4500 years ago), and God plainly told him to multiply and fill the earth, but he defiantly built a tower high into the heavens to establish his own religious system and deity, again, there must be some traceable evidence showing recognizable interrelatedness remaining in the world.

Of course, this is one of the reasons for evolutionary perpetuity—the billions of years tends to dissuade or discourage any legitimate research! In fact, evolutionary chronology is all about confounding, mystifying and bewildering…it is so far out of the reach of mortal man that most say, in effect, “whatever?”

Evolutionary predictions produce insoluble dead ends and unexpected anomalies, because it predicts man to be a product of animal evolution that had beginnings dominated by squeaks, grunts and growls from ignorant cave dwellers. Man, according to evolutionists, has only been man for about 200,000 years (wow, that’s a long time?). But when we examine this supposed historic record, we find many great surprises. Looking as far back as we can we see can historically conceive into man’s past, we observe unbelievable towers being built, man constructed empires being established, human language being spoken, cognizance of God through religion expressions, etc. It makes one consider the reality that the Bible speaks of all this.

Whether we look at the civilization associated with Seth (3874 B.C) that began animal husbandry and agriculture, or the sophistication of Jubal and Tubal-Cain that witnessed the beginning of music and metallurgy, or the rise of the Babylonian Empire, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Chinese and the incredible forms associated with India, the building of the pyramids, the formation of the Egyptian alphabet, the Code of Hammurabi, Moses and the rise of Israel, etc., we unmistakably see the intelligent of man that could have only come from the Creator God of holy Scripture. To God is the Glory! (Psalms 8:3-9)


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