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Historical Origin of Man

Matt Miles • July 19, 2018

Man’s origin is one that has been debated and theorized for centuries. There have been numerous ideas to explain our existence, from Biblical creation to alien genetic engineering and everything in between. How and where we came from is not a scientifically observable reality since it occurred only once in the past. We have no way to replicate that origin, and even if we thought we could, we would have no assurance that what we might come up with was right since we cannot compare the two. Thus, the creation account in the Bible is not scientifically provable (scientific method) any more than the evolutionary worldview on the origin of human beings is. Our origin is driven only by worldview with science giving us support towards that worldview.

  As I stated in last month’s newsletter, evolution says that we share a common ancestor with all other primates. Other than inference and worldview, there is no scientifically observable evidence to seal the deal on this idea of origin for human beings. Genetically (aka scientific evidence) we have been traced back to one woman and one man, called in scientific circles Mitochondria Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam. Yet this evidence and more does not stop some “Christian scholars” from advocating there was no historical Adam and Eve. “Evolution makes it pretty clear that in nature, and in the moral experience of human beings, there never was any such paradise to be lost,” John Schneider says. “So Christians, I think, have a challenge, have a job on their hands to reformulate some of their tradition about human beginnings.” John taught theology at Calvin College until recently, and he is not alone in his thinking. Groups like BioLogos Foundation argue heavily that evolutionary “science” and faith should be reconciled.

   The Biblical account of our origin states that we were created in God’s image, male and female (Gen. 1:27). Following the fall and curse of sin in Genesis 3, we are told that we have all come from Eve. When studying through the remainder of the first few chapters in Genesis, we understand that following another judgement of sin (the flood) we repopulated the earth from eight people, or maybe more precisely 3 reproducing pair in Noah’s sons and wives. Then, with the dispensation of the world’s population at Babel because of language, we can simply explain the diversity of humans. Take all of that away, without us being miraculously created in His image and with death prior to sin, and it leaves us with no basis for the redeeming cross. Romans 5:12 states sin came through one man and “death through sin.” Also we see in 1 Corinthians 15:21-22, “death came through a man” but we can be alive only through a man, Christ. The very salvation message of Jesus Christ’s death, burial and resurrection makes no sense without our perfectly created origin as the Bible literally teaches in the Genesis account.

   We are saved by our Creator and Savior’s redeeming blood shed to atone for our sin. This is the message CTF continues to take into churches, schools, and camps. Please continue to lift us up in prayer, as our enemy would love to silence us from teaching the Truth. Blessings.

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