Have you ever regretted a purchase? Exchanging one item for another has become very important as we purchase more and more online. Online purchasing comes with the inherent risk that you may not get what you paid for. Maybe you bought an item to replace another but then you realize the original is better. This scenario has happened to most of us. It is also the premise behind Romans 1:25, “who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.”
We often have exchanged what we have known to be true for a lie. At the time it seemed like we were going to be better off. The new thing is “better”, it fills my needs more completely. As an example, we have a generation of students and young adults being fooled into thinking that our main problem is social and racial injustice, and if they don’t agree, they are part of the problem. A small minority of humanists have usurped power over them with a lie. This lie has a foundation in “the lie”, as Satan’s plan is to draw people away from the Truth. If the Truth can be exchanged for the lie, then it becomes easier to manipulate and gain control of a person. Subsequently, “truth” is rewritten to whatever is desired to accomplish an evil agenda, culminating in the giving of a life in worship of self and the agenda.
The Truth sets free while the lie enslaves and condemns. If we would view ourselves as Jesus does, it would be evident that we are all broken. There is none of us good in and of ourselves. We are in desperate need of the Truth to complete us for all eternity. Only when we realize we have all been created in the Truth’s image will we see what we have exchanged for the lie. As I release my will for His, my spirit is renewed by the very One that made it. Then, and only then, will we see sin as sin with the need for reconciliation, loving our neighbor with a desire that they come to the Truth. Only when sin is replaced with a repentant heart will we have freedom to live the life planned by our Creator.
We must keep looking up to our Creator who is the only One deserving of our worship and devotion. Man-made ideas, agendas and programs will only lead to divisive lives focused on “serving the creature rather than the Creator.”
Blessings to all of you who lift this ministry up in your prayers as we continue LOOKING UP and lead others to do the same!