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The Foundational Basis of Genesis

G. Thomas Sharp • April 23, 2021
     I have read again The Genesis Record, chapter 1 (Dr. Henry M. Morris, 2006). This was the “umpteenth” time for me to read this remarkable volume that was prepared by the modern father of Biblical creationism. And yes, it is written that well, and by the man that was without a doubt the father of the 20th century revival of Biblical creationism (in fact every Christian needs to read this book!). If I am ever again the headmaster of a Christian school, this book would be a graduation requirement.

     Dr. Morris plainly tells us that the Book of Genesis is probably the most important book ever written (p.17), because if the Bible is ever printed without the Book of Genesis as its foundational basis, the balance of the Scripture would be bereft of meaning and purpose! This one book alone adequately deals with the origin of the universe, its order and complexity, the solar system, atmosphere and hydrosphere, life, man, marriage, evil, language, government, culture, the nations, religion, and Israel and its people.

     It is significant that one of the first twelve chapters of Genesis is either quoted or referred to in the majority of the New Testament. Jesus continuously referenced Genesis, including specific reference to each of the first seven chapters. It is of vital importance that the reader understand that in all instances where NT writers referred to Genesis not one time did they infer or say Genesis was myth or allegory (p.22).
Dr. Nelson Glueck (gl-OO’-eh-k), a leading archaeologist during the latter half of the 20th century, wrote, “As a matter of record…it may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted {disputed} a Biblical reference. Scores of archaeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or exact detail historical statements in the Bible" (Rivers in the Desert, NY, 1959, p. 31).

     If a person chooses to disbelieve the Bible for whatever reason, no one can with academic certainty say that the Bible is inconsistent in its message, even though it was written by 40 or more writers, over a space of 1500 years;  no one can say the Bible does not accurately treat all scientific data about which it speaks; no one can allege the history of the Bible is inaccurate; no one can say that Jesus Christ is not the center and circumference of its content; and no one can legitimately be offended at its ultimate message.

     There is a Savior who was virgin born. His name is the above every name that has ever been name! He lived in a sinful world without sinning. He was the revelation God in the flesh. His ultimate objective was ratifying the covenant in His own blood - blood that speaks better things than the blood of Abel. He prayed more than any man prayed, and He loved unto the end of His fleshly life. But He arose on the third day and lead captivity captive! He stands open-armed with this invitation:
“If any man thirsts let him come unto to Me and drink.” John 7:37
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