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The Created Earth

G. Thomas Sharp • October 1, 2020

Within the top five points of Biblical dogma we can find the solution for 100 percent of man’s difficulties! Simply stated these points concern origins, mankind, redemption, the sin of Adam and the fall of man, and finally the fact that Jesus Christ provided the requirement for our repentance, redemption and restoration—and if you are a born again believer, you have received the down payment of this miraculous provision.

As we observe the universe in its enormity and spectacular magnificence, we are left speechless to provide an adequate explanation for its origin. Its fathomless size, design and efficiency leave us breathless in wonder and amazement. But it is the Earth that I want to address in this article.

There is a plethora of human models that have been offered to explain the existence of this mindboggling masterpiece that we call the earth. But they all fall terribly short of identifying and satisfying the intelligent nature of the organizational dynamics that have been invested in the earth!

Dr. Henry M. Morris (1918-2006) constantly reminded us during his stay here that if we see significant evidence for intelligence, we need to look for the One from which this masterful intelligence originated.

It is generally known that the Earth could not create itself! Moreover, the gradual development of complexity from simple to complex simply cannot stand as a viable solution for the origin of the Earth unless there is an informational source to guide this process. So, what was the source of this information?

It could not have been matter because matter is non-intelligence. Neither could it have been space; it is vacuous and directionless. If, therefore, it was not space or mass, who was the designer of the Earth?

Whatever your answer is at this point, it requires faith. And the holy Scripture tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God…to believe that something exists that is far bigger and intelligent and powerful than ourselves.

Genesis 1 supplies the answer to this dilemma as far as I am concerned. It says, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth!” The Apostle John tells that this great God was the eternal Logos—the great Creator of the heavens and the earth! What a God we serve!

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