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The Answer is Jesus

G. Thomas Sharp • June 18, 2020

In Proverbs 30:4-6, we meet a man called A’gur (āghūr), but little is known about him. Strong says that he was a man received among the sages. In other words, he had acceptance among the educated elite in the land. Solomon tells us that he was the son of Jakeh (ja’keh), but here again little to nothing is known of him either. Nevertheless, Agur left a volume of understanding that guides us to this day. In verse four he asked six rhetorical questions that are answered in the balance of Scripture.

Who has ascended up to heaven is answered in John 3:13 (Jesus). Paul told the Corinthians that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself (2 Corinthians 5:19). The principal truth of the NT is that God robbed Himself with flesh in order that He could provide, once and for all, the sacrificial atonement or covering for the sins of mankind (John 3:16). It is the blood of Jesus that speaks better things than Able, and without the shedding of that blood we would all, to this very day, remain if our sins.  

Agur asked who gathered the wind in His fists? At the conclusion of the great Flood, Genesis says that God made a great wind pass over the earth (Genesis 8:2), and the fountains of the great deep, and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain was restrained. The blowing of the wind is a fruitful study! But in short, remember that wind is a common allegory for the Spirit of the LORD. Who hath bound the waters in a garment? Please note that the writer of Genesis said that the waters of the Flood “stopped,” and that God promised that He would never again flood the world with water (Genesis 9:11).

Then Agur asked, “Who has established the ends of the earth?” The Hebrew word translated “ends” is eh’fes , and means end or boundary or termination and has a numerical reality or definition. This is another indication that things earthly are seriously limited to space/time. While there are eternal entities in space/time, they are hidden or indistinct or veiled; that is, they are waiting for the JHVH to declare and position their liberty. Among other things, this word refers to things or conditions that are limited, in short, this is a reference to space/time reality. His name is announced by the Angel, “You shall call His name Jesus.” Jesus told the Father that He came to manifest His name to the men which were given to Him (John 17:6). And Agur concludes with the fact that the Word of the LORD is final and total! Thy Word, O LORD, is forever and ever!

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