Capturing the Creation week with cutting-edge cinematography and biblical accuracy, GENESIS: Paradise Lost brings the first chapter of Genesis to life! Using stunning visual effects, epic orchestration, and the latest scientific and historical research, this film explores the context of this highly studied and hotly-debated book of the Bible.
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The increasing attack on the idea that God created the heavens and the earth remains a battleground for which many Christians are unprepared. By allowing audiences to experience creation and to understand the science behind it, GENESIS: Paradise Lost reinforces how an intelligently designed universe matches both scientific facts and Scripture. By removing the supposed “scientific-stumbling-block” of evolution which barricades many from hearing the Gospel, countless hearts have turned to their Creator.
Featuring: Ken Ham, Dr. Voddie Baucham, Dr. Jeremy Lyons, Boddie Hodge, Dr. Charles Jackson, Dr. Danny Faulkner, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Ray Comfort, Dr. John Baumgardner, Dr. Andrew Fabich, Chad Hovind, Dr. David Menton, Dr. Tommy Mitchell, and Dr. Terry Mortenson
Dove Seal Approved for All Ages
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