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Start Seeing the Unseen

Matt Miles • February 14, 2022

2022 - SEEING the UNSEEN

     In years past, the start of the year was not only new and exciting but usually slow, from a ministry standpoint. This year has been anything but slow from the beginning. The Lord has us off and running, teaching His Word out and in. It is very encouraging to see the direction we are moving for the year as we focus on SEEING the UNSEEN.

     We have already had two trips going out to preach and teach, starting our year off with people having their lives changed through His Word. The theme of SEEING the UNSEEN is strongly resonating in this seemingly hopeless world. As we allow the Lord to impact our lives, our focus shifts to Him, His will and knowing He is in control, and then hope follows close behind in assurance of our eternal promises.

     Our Sharp Institute for Biblical Worldview Studies Cadre program is off to a great start as well this year. We have a new class, the 19th Cadre, with an almost full roster. Once again we are seeing great desire to study the Word from these men and women who are ready to share what they learn with those around them. The 18th Cadre, which started last year, just completed their 3rd meeting. We are greatly encouraged by their continued hunger and enthusiasm for truth. Their Biblical knowledge and impact where they live is being seen with each passing meeting. They are a true blessing to our ministry. We at CTF are SEEING the UNSEEN through His work in their lives as well.

     We have also been blessed with the ability to accomplish several “punch-list” items through an overwhelming 2021Year-end Giving Campaign. Our goal of $10,000 to be matched was smashed, and we ended up with gifts totaling $24,935. Our desire to do much needed maintenance on our trucks, trailers, and office is being accomplished much sooner than anticipated, praise the Lord! We also were able to replace our badly aging conference room chairs so we no longer have to be concerned about the chairs “shedding” on whoever may sit in them or busting if you lean the wrong direction. There are a few other “wants” that just might be moved to the “accomplished” stack this year because of this great blessing. The Lord is always so faithful through all of you that continue to support this ministry. Thank you!

     So, as you can SEE, we are off to an outstanding start in 2022. As so many of you are UNSEEN by us on a regular basis, please know that you are SEEN through the blessings the Lord bestows on us. Please continue to lift us up in prayer this year for His favor and mission. 2 Corinthians 4:18 is clear on where each one of us should be focused. We are driven to help people SEE the UNSEEN work of our Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ. Blessings!

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