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Shaken: Part 1 – Prayer-Powered Results

Ryan Cox • January 13, 2023

The incredible events of Pentecost were now over. There had not only been the birthday of the Church, but an explosive birthday, with thousands coming to the Lord! They are meeting every Lord’s Day in the temple courts, as that was the only place that could hold the assembly. Everyone is getting plugged into home groups in the midst of daily fellowship taking place. There is constant work to be done, extensive responsibilities for the apostles to shoulder, and how does the third chapter of Acts open?

“Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the ninth hour, the hour of prayer” (Acts 3:1).

Seriously?!?! With all they have to do, they leave all their duties and responsibilities, take precious time in which a lot of work could be done, and walk all the way to the temple to have an appointed time of daily prayer?!?! Why? Because they knew that was the most important thing for them to do EVERY day – talk with God.

How do you think everything else will turn out during their day?
How do you think results are going to happen?
How do you think God is going to get involved and bless, bless, bless?
How do you think it would affect your life if you were doing that EVERY DAY?

No, seriously, think about that for a moment. If you were to have an appointed, designated time of prayer EVERY single day, what do you think that would do to you?
Give you some peace?
Give you some clarity, purpose, direction for your life?
What do you think that would do with how good of a husband you are? How good of a wife you are? How good
    of a father, mother, sibling, friend, coworker, member of the Lord’s Church you are? 

For Peter and John, a miracle takes place. A 40+ year old man who had been lame since birth, was now able to walk. Miracles of this manner were performed to give authority to the spoken word as they did not yet have the Bible, and as “
all the people ran together to them at the portico named Solomon’s, completely astonished” (vs. 11), Peter sees this, realizing the opportunity God has afforded him.

He says, “
¹²Men of Israel, why are you amazed at this, or why are you staring at us, as though by our own power or godliness we made him walk? ¹³The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified His servant Jesus, the one whom you handed over… ¹⁵but put to death the Author of life, whom God raised from the dead, a fact to which we are witnesses… ¹⁹Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away… ²⁶God raised up His Servant for you first, and sent Him to bless you by turning every one of you from your wicked ways” (Acts 3:12-26).

Peter preached Jesus – Jesus is the sole focus of his preaching. Why? Because he was one of hundreds of witnesses who had seen the risen Lord! The world had tried to kill Jesus, but death can never defeat the Author of life; He will always triumph, and Peter had seen his victorious Savior face-to-face!

Having seen the Lord, Peter and John had devoted themselves to His Kingdom, experienced tremendous results, and yet they still turned to the power of prayer in order to take their next and every following steps, and prayer-powered results happened!

As we begin studying the events of Acts 3-4, we will see the story begins and ends with prayer that shook the Church and the world. Might we be so SHAKEN in 2023.

By Matt Miles December 17, 2024
This year we have focused on how the Lord has SPOKEN TO US through Christ. Now we are in the midst of celebrating when the Son of God came to earth, and we must never forget that it had been SPOKEN TO US back in Isaiah’s day: "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14). “God with us” did not start with Christ’s birth; His desire to be with us started at Creation. Since the beginning, being with us has been His focus. We are His most prized possession in all of creation. His heart to spend all of eternity with us was broken in the Garden with sin, yet it brought no dismay because He has always had the plan. Through the course of history, we can see His plan being worked out even though sin continues. His redemptive plan has not changed or been derailed; it has only progressed, moving us closer and closer to eternity with Him, our Creator and Savior. Two thousand years ago, His desire to be with us compelled Him to put on flesh and be laid in a manger. Immanuel came and fulfilled the plan that has been from the beginning. We, therefore, feel compelled to bring Him glory, especially this time of year as we celebrate His wonderful gift of His Son. Let us not get caught up in all of the Christmas celebration without focusing on the reason for our celebrations. Our Savior was “gifted” to us for our salvation. Praise be to God! As we celebrate His gift to us, we are also celebrating His provision for another year of service to the Kingdom. What a year we at CTF have had, as you can see from our stats below. Your prayers and support continue this work in an impactful way year after year. Our desire is to never stop until we are celebrating face to face with Him in Glory. Till then, we continue to seek ways in which we can further increase our efforts for His Kingdom. At the end of each year, we ask for help with a project that kicks off our new year. This year is no exception - we are raising some extra funds to make our Lexington, OK facility more functional. With the Mobile MOEH expansion completed this year, we need to be able to keep our trucks and trailers better protected from the elements when not on the road, as well as allow more room for working on them in a climate-controlled environment. Our 2025 project is to open a new bay and expand the current one in our warehouse, installing a new garage door and replacing the old worn out one to free up useable space. Our year-end goal for this project is $20,000. So as you pray about supporting our ministry in this very tangible way, remember that the ministry tools this gift will protect and secure are used in a mighty way. We can’t count the times this year that the Mobile MOEH has opened a door or heart to hear the Gospel and save a life for eternity. So, thank you for all the support this year. We praise the Lord for you! Merry Christmas and many blessings to you and your families.
By Bob Dugas November 22, 2024
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