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Purposeful Light

Matt Miles • June 11, 2020

     We are in the midst of a dark time in our nation and around the world. The pandemic has caused a crisis the likes of which we have not seen in many decades. Our nation is in a battle for its very soul as we confront very difficult issues, aka sin. It seems as though the darkness is all around us and winning. I personally don’t see this as the darkest of times, unless we fail to see the light. I believe there is only one Light that will dispel and drive this darkness away, Jesus Christ, and we must be FOCUSED on the purpose of this Light.

     “Let there be light.” In Genesis 1, on that first day when physical light was created, it had a purpose. When it was revealed, it was separated from darkness. Light is what defines darkness, as darkness is the absence of light. We also see in Scripture that, by His power and glory, the Lord is the Light, and the light shows what the darkness cannot – truth. The Light is truth and righteousness, the absolute standard by which all is referenced. The Lord defines light by His very eternal existence. The same is true in our lives; without light there is no defining line of law from lawlessness. All we measure around us in this world should be in view of His Light.

     As we are surrounded by darkness we must appeal to the Light. He is the only source of goodness and healing. Any ideas, opinions, solutions and legislations apart from the Light may contain some truth (as also many of Satan’s deceptions do), but they cannot be emblazoned with truth. The purpose of the initial light of creation has not changed and will never change. We, however, are a fickle creation that changes often with our selfish desires that are dark or, at best, faint representations of light. We must seek the Light and not our own desires that, as righteous as we may feel or think they are, leave too much room for darkness. I am reminded of 1 John 1:5-10 where it speaks to this truth and reminds us of the Light’s purpose in our lives, to have fellowship with one another and be cleansed from our sins. “This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin….” When we reside in the Light of Life, our standing with the Lord is impacted in a way that in turn directly impacts our relationships with our fellow man. Blessings to you as we strive for the eternal Light in the midst of finite darkness.

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