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National Identity

Matt Miles • August 20, 2020

Our nation is embroiled in a battle for its identity. We were founded on the precepts that all men are created equal, just as the Word of God states in Acts 17:26. This is because the Word of God was a foundational book to the founders. Sure, not all of our founders accepted the Bible as you and I understand it, as God’s holy inspired words, but they at the least revered it to be trustworthy about who we are as a people and where we find our origin. Sadly, it seems today our society is squandering that truth away and replacing it with injustice and lawlessness.

     There has been a concerted effort over the last 50-60 years to tear our nation’s identity away from the Bible and the Lord’s authority. As we seek to balance a nation grossly divided, maybe now as much as we did during the Civil War era, our return to the truth of God’s Word is imperative. Without identifying God’s Word as more than an archaic book of nice stories with a few moral exhortations, we sacrifice the foundation of our nation’s identity. Our founders knew that we are made in God’s image. This identifying truth is plainly spelled out in Genesis and then echoed through the entire Bible. But, if we individually identify as just another in a long line of animals trying to survive with no overarching moral compass at our foundation, then each of us will continue to do what we think is best for survival, in the process destroying ourselves as well as others because we don’t recognize the fact that we are all image-bearers. This evolutionary worldview must stop as it has no foundation of truth; there are no divinely inspired words behind it, only the lie. That lie is from Satan himself and it continually challenges God’s Word as being the Truth over all others.

     The Lord’s authority was foundational in our nation’s beginning. Our founding fathers regarded it from, at the least, a providential guiding, to a full-fledged understanding of His sovereignty over all. As the Word of God is trashed and disregarded, so also is the truth of His authority in our nation, authority also founded in Genesis when He created everything. Taking away His Word and authority from our nation leaves behind a vacuum that will suck up all of our solid foundations. Then we are left to our own ideas of what freedom or any semblance of control should be. The sad reality about a vacuum is that it sucks up everything without discrimination, moral or not. So for 50-60 years we have said in our nation and our public school systems that God has no authority over all because He did not create all. Do you hear the vacuum sucking? In comes anarchy, communism, tyranny, socialism, marxism and any other “ism” to fill the void. We must realize Who has true authority, for our own sake and our nation’s. The Lord’s authority is present whether we acknowledge it or not, but His authority is the one true balance we desperately need acknowledged at present.

     I implore you to check your worldview in light of the present identity crisis our nation is suffering from. If we do not seek our Lord Jesus Christ’s Word and authority at this time for our nation, then I am afraid of the outcome that is rising. It may not have any bearing on my eternal security, but it will directly impact our ability to worship and evangelize freely as we were designed. Rest assured that this ministry will continue to proclaim His Word as absolute and His authority as sovereign over all. Please join with us in prayer for our nation’s identity to return to it’s foundation – freedom, liberty and justice for all. Blessings.

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