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Mobile MOEH Expansion Update

Matt Miles • September 19, 2024

This summer we have been busy advancing our mission. Not only have we traveled many miles in our efforts, but we have almost completed our Mobile Museum of Earth History expansion. Back at the beginning of the year when we announced the expansion, there was uncertainty around the time frame of completion since we knew the amount of design and fabrication that was needed for this task. Then an event that was scheduled for the end of summer with the full collection was upgraded to the “mega” expanded collection. This put a deadline on our expansion that focused us and applied a bit of pressure.

With many hours of head scratching, planning, design and sweat, we slowly brought the expansion together. When we were unsure about new stands needed for our 24-foot wide Pteranodon, the Lord provided. Michael and Amy Harris (supporters from Willow Hill, IL) donated disc blades, while Aaron Lawrence (minister at Barnsdall Christian Church, OK) fabricated the blades into bases and made rods and hooks to hold the fossil. The stands are such a blessing and exactly what we needed to exhibit one of the Lord’s creations. The Lord has continually provided what we've needed from supplies to funds.

I am happy to announce we made it to that event in Mountain View, MO with all of our new expansion pieces. We are not quite done with all facets, but enough is completed to travel and setup everything in our collection. We even threw in the Mammoth skull that is still on the “To Be Determined” list for which collection it will be included. Our event in Missouri was great for the Kingdom. The response to the whole Museum of Earth History was fabulous. For the first time we are able, when need be, to fill an entire gymnasium. It was outstanding to see the reactions of adults and students alike to the museum in their church building.

By no means are the fossils necessary for the Gospel message, but they open doors to some people who may never seek of heavenly things. These tools are continuing to be, as Doc use to call them, “God’s Gospel Lizards.” We are so grateful for the mission that was given to Dr. Sharp 35 years ago to teach the history of Genesis and show the inclusion of all creatures, including dinosaurs, in time. We are able to support the Good News of the Gospel and the reality of eternity, revealing that dinosaurs do not militate against Biblical history, as many in the church may believe. 

We are so thankful to all of you who over the years helped us to acquire all the pieces of our Museum of Earth History. Today we strive to continue that message and mission, now bigger than ever. Being able to multiply the impact of the museum in two places at the same time, Ryan and I are thrilled and ready to be used in an even greater way as we divide and conquer for the Lord’s Kingdom. We are now booking both collections together or separate, so if it has been a few years since we shared this message in your church, there is no better time than now to invite us back. Please keep us in your prayers as we move forward in our calling, that new and old doors will be opened to His message.

Please enjoy these pictures from the first ever Mega Rig event, held at Mountain View Christian Church, MO.

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