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Matt Miles • January 30, 2025

   Another year in history is completed with a new year before us. Do you remember when you did something dumb in the past? Or maybe remember someone else (wink, wink) doing something dumb? If only we had thought a little more about the situation or outcome first. Those moments make up our history. Even if we would like to forget them, we may never. In a way, they shape our destiny.

     History is always there, ready to remind us of the past, good and bad. All of us probably remember those moments in our history where we messed up, failed, and/or even sinned. Just because we don’t like our history at times doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. All of us might like to erase certain moments of our past, especially those embarrassing or shameful ones. For some, dumb decisions made today will never be forgotten thanks to the internet. There will be a video or photo out there until Jesus returns. Those moments are important to who we are today, whether we like them or not. Most of us have learned from those bad “lessons” so they don’t happen again in the future. Today, it seems many want to rewrite history by erasing mistakes, wrongs, and sins - make it seem like they never happened, ever. Is that good for our destiny though?

     In the Word of God, since the beginning we see failures and sins recorded over and over again. Very quickly after perfect creation, we messed it up. Did the Lord destroy creation and start all over? No, He showed His plan for our destiny. Notice the Lord didn’t erase it from our past but recorded it for us to know ourselves and Him better. To those that would prefer to never remember mistakes and sin, I say they remind us of a better destiny. Throughout Scripture we see the Lord’s chosen fall. Yet when they repent, their destiny changes as they experience grace.

     History is all about learning from mistakes, failures, and sins to right the ship of our lives through our Creator and Savior Jesus Christ. We must understand our sin and repent from it for our destiny to achieve hope. When all we desire to do is forget our sin and failures, they will most likely raise up again. Sin must be covered (atoned for, forgiven) to be conquered or it becomes a nagging shame, not a lesson learned. When the lesson is learned, we see those moments in history as a reminder of a forgiving Lord that shows grace for our eternal destiny.

     This year at CTF our focus is HISTORY & DESTINY. In Romans 15:4 the apostle Paul writes: “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.” As a studier of different translations, the NIV seems to translate the verse better to me in light of our ministry here at CTF. This year, as every year, our focus is the reliable history of Genesis and its connection to the Gospel, educating us of the sin that has been covered to give hope for eternity, not to forget our sinful nature but to conquer it through Him. I pray this year HISTORY will impact DESTINY with more hope than ever before. Blessings.

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