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God, Creation, Science and Evolution…

G. Thomas Sharp • April 20, 2020

The definition of the above terms, depending, of course, upon who defined them (if, indeed, they can be properly defined), can be nothing more than an extension someone’s individual worldview or belief system regarding these terms.

It is this fact that has caused the definition of these terms to produce a continuing enigma in modern science and a mutual irreconcilability between Biblical Creation and naturalistic Evolution! This is especially true in state schools! And it continually causes a perplexing conflict in science delivery.

Ultimately, the conflict boils down to the personal meaning provided by biased teachers and professors! And since there are more science educators influenced by evolution (naturalism) than by creation (supernaturalism), and because both views are based in faith, not science (and other motives), it is difficult, if not impossible, to present a duel view of origins in any academic setting. Really, both views should be properly presented, leaving the student to make up his or her own mind.

What makes this dilemma even more challenging is that neither view is scientific or reproducible in a laboratory! Therefore, in a public setting, the presentation of one view with greater emphasis than the other, or the presentation of only one view, while ignoring the other, becomes a desperate church/state issue. Since neither view can be proved conclusively in the laboratory, because of the strong worldview potential, they must both be presented neutrally or neither should be presented at all! Because Genesis 1 and the Big Bang are mutually exclusive and are wholistic worldviews, they should both be presented, because very few, if any, high school students and just a few college students have the sophistication to understand the bias of the creation/evolution models.

The bottom line of this controversy is that both creation and evolution are faith based, and neither model is demonstratable in the laboratory! The writer of Hebrews says this rather plainly,  “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen… Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear” (Hb. 11: 1,3). The conclusion of these models is: If God is the great Creator of all things, He is God and must be worshipped! But if all things evolved by chance, then there is no God, and man can worship what he will!

God Bless, Doc

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