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End-of-Year 2023

Matt Miles • December 20, 2023

     As 2023 comes to a close, we at CTF are extremely blessed. The Lord continues to open doors for us to speak the Truth boldly and to observe false worldviews be torn down. Throughout the year we have focused on Acts 4 where the believers spoke boldly, being filled with the Spirit, and were SHAKEN. This Christmas let’s take a look at another moment in history when the Lord’s SHAKEN proclaimed Him boldly.

     Mary, in Luke 1, is SHAKEN by the proclamation of her pregnancy while still a virgin. Can you imagine a more life-altering revelation? For her to be betrothed to Joseph and now pregnant with the Messiah would absolutely be overwhelming, enough that most of us would probably go hide in a hole rather than proclaim the Lord’s magnificence. Yet later in the chapter, that is exactly what Mary does, proclaiming boldly, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior” (1:46-47). This season may the Lord also shake us out of our usual Christmas busyness to proclaim Him boldly. 

     Let’s also take a moment to remember His blessings of the year. We all have been blessed in some manner or another this past year. Let us rejoice together! Maybe some of you are struggling through tragedy. May the Prince of Peace continue to show His hand of mercy and grace. We must all share His peace with others who need it more now than ever before. Through good and bad, the Lord is faithful!

     Here at CTF we have seen the faithfulness of the Lord with another year of growth with more new churches and opportunities to share the message He has given us. Please don’t miss this in the year-end stats as they reflect His blessings. Your faithfulness in prayer on behalf of this ministry has been evident over and over again. Be it during our programs, safety over the many miles traveled, or during untimely vehicle breakdowns, His provision through prayers are not overlooked. In addition, the Lord’s continued financial faithfulness this year has allowed us to accomplish several things we have been unable to do in previous years, so we also praise the Lord greatly for your faithfulness in this area. As usual, the end of the year brings another opportunity for special giving. We have need of a new trailer, and we would be honored and very thankful if you would consider supporting our end-of-year giving campaign for it. As always, any gifts to CTF are tax deductible.

     We are looking forward to all the Lord has planned for us in 2024. Keep your eyes peeled for news of expansion plans of our Mobile Museum of Earth History fossil collection. May the Lord bless you and your family during this Christmas season!

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