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Children are Precious

Matt Miles • June 2, 2022

     At this time of year most of us are impacted by some sort of graduation. Our children are so precious to us, and we understand the gift they are from the Lord. They have been created for a purpose with His plan. Yet in the world around us, we see heartbreak after heartbreak of children being hurt through kidnapping, abuse, manipulation, and even death. This heartbreak is amplified because we know the innocence of a child and the potential available for each of them. Our Creator’s image is emblazoned in each of us in the womb as Psalm 139 proclaims, whether we acknowledge it or not.

     In the wake of another school shooting where innocent lives were taken, we are in great heartbreak for those children and their families. Each moment the news recounts stats and backgrounds of those killed adds another pain. There will be fingers pointed here and there as to the cause. Each and every time this tragedy happens, there is only one thing to blame - our lost and sinful world. Rightfully, there should be outrage over lives taken. Let us never be so calloused to the evil in sin that we become okay with it.

     We have an ongoing daily massacre of children that a lot of people don’t give a second thought about, ever. The continued death of aborted children should evoke the same heartbreak and outrage, but it doesn’t seem to. Many professing Christians somehow justify this innocent bloodshed as a woman’s reasonable and responsible choice for her health. Yet in many states when an unborn child is killed, outside of an abortion, the one responsible is written up on manslaughter or murder charges. Why the dichotomy? We are heartbroken and outraged with a demand for justice of the aborted innocent as well. I have been praying in earnest for Roe v. Wade to be overturned, not because it will end abortion or the evil/sin involved, but that people will fight for the innocent life that we understand is stamped with our Creator’s image. At the forefront of the battle should always be those that understand Whose image every single person is made through and sustained by, Jesus Christ.

     Evil is active, and there has never been a moment in history without it since the Garden. We may feel like things are good most of the time, yet under that good is the potential for evil. Only Jesus is the answer! No, sin doesn’t cease with Jesus in the picture, but restoration, repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation happen instead of death. SEEING THE UNSEEN hope of eternity is what drives those of us who are sold out to our Savior. This love and eternal purpose gives us optimism for our children, knowing that this dark world is not all there is. In the midst of heartbreak and sorrow over innocent lives taken, proclaim where the light is. Keep fighting for eternity and not just the here and now. Blessings.

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