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Abundantly Thankful

Matt Miles • November 22, 2024

   As we approach Thanksgiving, my heart is full of thanks, not only personally but even more so in service to the Lord through Creation Truth Foundation. Over the course of this year, we have added to our productiveness by moving forward with the expansion of our Mobile Museum of Earth History (MOEH). This adds to a great staff, which is another thing for which we are thankful. And of course we are incredibly thankful for you, all of our supporters, who have been as faithful this year as any previous year, with an abundance of extra gifts to push us forward in ministry.

   As you may know, Doc and Diane launched this ministry out of their garage over 35 years ago with a staff of family members. We are all exceedingly thankful for that call and mission to teach the importance of the Bible’s history so we can trust our promised eternal hope. I am more than thankful for our staff as they serve the Lord day in and day out, never complaining no matter what the task may be that is needing done. Every one of them has a servant’s heart for the Lord and ministry. Bob, our Vice President, has faithfully served for more than 23 years. I am so thankful for his spirit of diligence over the years to Doc and now to all of us. He’s always ready to share a witty comment that is needed for a laugh as well. We would not be who we are without him, and we are thankful to his family who has sacrificed days and weeks at a time for him to go and do ministry on the road.

   Ryan and Amanda have been nothing more than a God-send since their addition in 2018. Ryan’s ability to preach the Word, sharing the truth of Genesis as well as the importance of history, is priceless. His genuine graciousness and love of people is unmatched as he brings them to the Truth. Our effectiveness for the Kingdom over the last several years is a direct result of Ryan’s passion for ministry. His wife, Amanda, is no exception. She too is gracious and humble in her quiet spirit. How she focuses on eight children and still has time to keep track of our books and resources is amazing. And I must mention the ongoing gift of hospitality that she bestows during every Cadre meeting as she provides wonderful meals that sustain us in our studies (many with her made-from-scratch cooking skills, I might add). 

   Megan, our new office assistant, joined us this spring. Her desire to serve has been evident from the beginning as she is always ready to do whatever is needed. From keeping our office clean and tidy to answering phones, receiving and making shipments, shrink-wrapping bundles of resources, being a road crew member, MOEH expansion assistant and seamstress as needed, to whatever else anyone needs done at a drop of a hat, she is willing and ready. Her defining task as she came aboard was to create the Sharp Library. Taking all of Doc’s books that have been collected over the many years of ministry and organizing them in a fashion for use was more than daunting to all of us, but Megan jumped right in. It was a labor of love to categorize and digitally catalog the books as she physically shelved all 2600+ volumes in Doc’s old office. Now CTF has a library that will be useful for years to come as a legacy to our Founder. She makes this father very proud doing “full-time” ministry in a part-time position.

   Last but not least, Theresa quietly goes about her job of keeping track of our finances. She is not only the right person for the task from a skills perspective, but even more so from a discerning spirt of stewardship and faithfulness. Tackling the task of wrangling us for our monthly expense reports is a job she does not relish but knows we need to do to be faithful in our service. She is always an encourager to me, as I have experienced the lean years of our ministry, and that is always on my mind as I desire us to continue the mission which the Lord blessed Doc with years ago. Theresa continues to do the necessary job that Diane did for years in this ministry, and she encourages us with the faithfulness of the Lord through our supporters. We take our stewardship of resources very seriously, to be faithful to the Lord and you. Theresa is the God-given right person for the task, and the bonus is that I have experienced her faithful heart for ministry our entire 32 years of marriage. I am blessed and thankful beyond words.

   I am so thankful for all the Lord has done this year. As Paul encouraged those in 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 to give for the Gospel effort, he also gave thanks for those that had fulfilled that call of the Lord. I now give thanks to the Lord on for you and your support of this ministry. None of what we have accomplished this year would have been even remotely possible without your faithfulness. The CTF team is so thankful for the opportunity to continue impacting lives for the Lord. “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!”

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