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2020 Focused: TIME

Ryan Cox • May 14, 2020

“What is there in this Book that says billions of years?”

Matt Miles, CTF President

When talking with someone about the age of Earth or the universe, our ministry’s president may ask, “What in the Bible says they are billions of years old?” It is an excellent question because it reveals one’s starting place, one’s foundation. Either you are starting from and your foundation is the Word of God or it is not.

Inevitably, everyone must admit that there is NOTHING in the Bible that remotely suggests that the universe is billions of years old. [1] , [2] Not surprisingly (since we know the Bible is inerrant), the sciences confirm the Biblical account.

The regular discovery of soft tissue in dinosaurs and other ancient specimens continues to thwart the concept of billions of years. The list of peer-reviewed journal articles on surviving endogenous biological material continues to grow. [3] These materials cannot survive a million years, let alone tens or hundreds of millions of years as required by the doctrines of evolution.

The discovery of carbon-14 in every tested dinosaur fossil utterly destroys the possibility of them living millions of years ago. After 50,000 to 100,000 years, there should be no detectable carbon-14. And yet, it is found every time a specimen is tested! [4] , [5] , [6] In fact, there has yet to be a specimen of anything once living that has been tested and found to have no carbon-14, [7] meaning the Earth and all that is in it cannot be millions or billions of years old.

Current levels of erosion show that Earth’s continents would erode completely away in just 50 million years. [8] Realizing this old-earth predicament and the conclusion that the continents can only be thousands of years old (as the Bible shows), evolutionists are desperate for an explanation: “[A]t present rates of erosion, continents 2.5 km thick could have been eroded 42 times during the assumed 3500 Ma age for the continents… There is little question that there is some difficulty in reconciling present erosion rates with standard geochronology.” [9] We should not be surprised when “standard” geochronology based on evolutionary faith conflicts with empirical science; true science never contradicts the Bible.

Therefore, we must be crystal clear in the realization and teaching of this issue: the debated age of the universe has nothing to do with science, but everything to do with faith. Which faith do you have: a Biblical faith or a non-Biblical faith? Either you have a Biblical worldview or a non-Biblical worldview.

Dr. Sharp (CTF Founder) has always taught, “Darwinian Naturalism needs time and lots of it! This is the bottom line in the war between good and evil! …So, I believe that the entire struggle between Supernaturalism and Naturalism boils down to what we believe about Time, Age of the Universe, Earth and Man. All other of the mutually exclusive ramifications of the debate are explained here!!” [10]

He’s not the only one who realizes the gravity of this war. A vicar of the Church of England and avid evolutionist Michael Roberts claimed, “[I]f the earth is more than 50,000 years old Biblical literalism is a dead duck… If I can persuade someone that the earth is at least a million years old I consider the war to be won.” [11]

This is the spiritual war in which we battle. Either God did create a perfect universe and sin corrupted it, bringing death, disease, pain, and suffering, or the universe occurred naturally, creating itself with death, disease, pain, and suffering as part of the natural processes of life.

For the first, we need salvation through Jesus Christ. For the alternative, there is no Creator and no condemnation from which we must be saved. [12]

Eternity weighs in the balance. Will you be a Kingdom warrior armed with the sword of Truth?

[For more information, go to and enter “radiometric dating” in the search bar for our latest articles and research]

[1] Cox, R., “Christ’s Credibility”, 22 March 2018, /christs-credibility/

[2] Cox, R., “A Thousand Times, No”, 20 April 2020, /a-thousand-times-no-2/

[3] Thomas, B. Ph.D. and Bob Enyart, “List of Biomaterial Fossil Papers”, accessed 13 May 2020,

[4] Fischer, J.M. “Dinosaur bones have been dated by radiocarbon”, 2012-2014,

[5] Thomas, B. Ph.D., “Carbon-14 Found in Dinosaur Fossils”, 6 July 2015,

[6] Thomas, B. Ph.D., “Carbon-Dating Fossils”, 31 July 2015,

[7] Thomas, B. Ph.D., Ancient and Fossil Bone Collagen Remnants , ICR, Dallas, TX, Oct. 2019, p. 116.

[8] Portenga, E. W. and R. R. Bierman. 2011. “Understanding Earth’s eroding surface with  10 Be.”  GSA Today. 21 (8): 4-10.

[9] Roth, A. A. 1986. ”Some Questions about Geochronology”.  Origins. 13 (2): 64-85.

[10] Sharp, G. T. Ph.D., “Philosophical Naturalism and the Age of the Universe”, IBWS cadre notes, slides 40-1.

[11] Roberts, M., Vicar in the Blackburn Diocese (Anglican, UK), “Creationism on the Rocks: A Geological Look at Creationism”, 2003 web article,

[12] Romans 8:1, “ Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

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