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2020 Focused on The Word, Part 1

Ryan Cox • January 24, 2020

II Timothy 3:14-15, “ You, however,   continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them,   and that   from childhood you have known   the sacred writings which are able to   give you the wisdom that leads to   salvation through faith, which is in   Christ Jesus.”

Wow! Would you say there is great importance in knowing God’s Word? It is that which provides the knowledge of salvation! It teaches us about Christ Jesus! It introduces the Creator to His creation and allows us to know Him! And without a properly focused worldview (i.e., one focused through the lenses of Scripture) we will not live by faith as we will not be convicted of its truth (Romans 1:17).

In the passage quoted above, Paul calls the Bible the “ sacred writings ”. Here’s why; verse 16 says, “ All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness ”.

The Greek word for “ God-breathed ”, some translations say “ inspired ”, is the word theopneustos. It’s comprised of two root words: theos , meaning “God”, and pneo , meaning “breathe hard” or “blow” ( Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance ).

What does this mean? It means God did not breathe His words into the writings of the Bible nor mix His inspired words in with the words of the authors. It means that ALL of the Bible was breathed out from God’s own mouth. The words are literally God’s breath, just like our words are from our breath.

So if you ever hear someone say, “I just wish God would speak to me” or “I wish I could hear God say something to me”, try not to look at them too bamboozled. It’s right there – the Bible!

Additionally, the word for “ all ” ( pasa ) in “ all Scripture ” literally means “all, every, the whole” ( Strong’s ). Proverbs 8:8 says, “ All the words of my mouth are just; none of them is crooked or perverse.”

Every word of it is true, accurate, and inspired, which is why Jesus said in John 10:35, “ the Scripture cannot be broken.” One cannot take part of it and cast aside the rest; Jesus says it’s an all or nothing deal.


John 20:20 gives us the 2020 focus we should have, “ After He said this, He showed them His hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.

The entire Bible reveals the Creator God who tells us our TRUE Origin, Purpose, Identity, and Destiny.

The entire Bible reveals His unwavering love willing to save us from our sins.

The entire Bible reveals the Creator made flesh in Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as the perfect atoning sacrifice.

The entire Bible reveals the victory over death through the resurrection of our Lord.

Hence, Christians are commanded to share this Good News and to “ go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit ” (Matthew 28:19).

When we became disciples of Jesus Christ, we are overjoyed with Biblically-based, 2020 focus that causes us to be overjoyed when we see the Lord!

Hence, Peter said, “ Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life ” (John 6:68).

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